Sunday, February 16, 2020

To lose weight

I started Kendo training myself from January 24th after finishing a submission to reduce my body weight.

My body weight tends to increase before every submission. But, I did not have a chance of reducing the weight, and so my weight was too much.

I had started working out but it was difficult to continue for my health. So I changed my strategy, and I started Kendo training.

I do 200 forward-backward step swings, 200 jumping swings, and 100 one-step swings with 1kg shinai in every morning and before sleeping if possible. By this set, I reduced 81.5 kg to 75.0 in 3 weeks.
Good life.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Hananoka 花の香 純米大吟醸 しぼりたて生原酒

This sake was a super tasty one.
720ml bottle was 1,655 yen including tax.
At the time of opening the bottle, quality smell spent.
That was like a musk perfume.

By one sip, I understood this sake was sweet liquid similar to quality melt sugar or syrup.
I felt slightly sparkling come from fermentation.
The great smell still claimed "I am here" even if inside mouth.
This is the winner.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Want to use a new laptop soon

I applied for a new laptop PC a week ago to my company because many memory troubles and display problems have happened on my laptop, which causes suspension amid minework. I cannot proceed with it comfortably.
For example, when I normally typed the keyboard, a memory error happened and the laptop halts and it shows a blue screen suddenly. I really saw the blue screen 10 times or more every day.
Really, I should take precautions for the halt but there was no time for replacing the laptop and I wanted to keep my development environment. But it was too late.
The RAM or some circuits might be broken by my super strong typing. Too bad.
Come soon.